Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What is a Bugalug??

When Grady and Linken were born, they were long and skinny. There was no meat on their bones at all and you could count their ribs. They swam in any clothes we put on them, no matter how small it was.
This didnt last long. They knew what food was, and they wanted it all the time. They quickly filled out and the bones were covered in all the perfect little rolls that make up adorable plump babies. They suddenly were stretching the material around the belly on all their onesies, shirts and sleepers. Their necks quickly disappeared and their cheeks became full and round. Every day there was more and more of them to love.
They started smiling with an uncanny resemblence to a budda. Their utter lack of gracefulness was quickly apparent as they tried to manuever the round little bodies over onto their sides, and eventually their tummies, grunting and groaning all the while.
As a mother watching them and loving every little bit of it, I had started calling them each Bug-A-Boo. As they grew, Bug a boo switched to Bugalug, and it stuck.
Before they were born, my husband had read in a book that you should never refer to your two babies as "the twins." Therefore, I call them my Bugalugs. I cant think of a word to better describe my perfectly round bundles of joy.

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