Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are They Twins???

Seriously, I know that there are people in this world that aren't up to par in intellectualism. I am also aware that there are times that we are all guilty of speaking before we think. Lord knows that has gotten me into trouble a time or two. I also know that not everyone is at ease when it comes to smalltalk and stumble for the proper things to say.
HOWEVER, when people see me, or my hubby, out with two babies that look exactly the same, are the exact same size and wearing similar clothes, do they really need to ask if they are twins???
The first trip out of the house was to Wal-Mart. 2 hours and 3 items later we were leaving the store. I don't mind that everyone stopped us. I am the first to agree that my babies are friggin' adorable (perhaps I am a little partial *wink*). I just wish they wouldn't ask, "Are they twins?" I have a pretty good natural filter, but I just cant always control the sarcasm that tends to ooze from my mouth....
"No, they are just really close to the same age."
"No, I just like this one so much I got him cloned."
"No, this ones his and that ones mine."
"No, we found this one in the parking lot and thought it was neat that they looked so similar."
The best part is when you use any of these lines and the person who asked looks at you for a second really confused. Then a smile slowly crosses their face and they tell you that they know they are twins.
Then why did they ask in the first place???

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