Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Vacuum Cleaner

My boys have never minded the vacuum cleaner. We have no carpet in our house, so a simple canister Wal-Mart special does the trick. It isn't too loud and the boys have always been perfectly happy watching the bright yellow machine follow me around.
Yesterday, they decided they didn't like it. This also happened to be the day they decided it was fun to throw their entire lunch, piece by piece, onto the ground. After lunch, there was a plethora of whole wheat bread, cheese and chicken strewn across my dining room floor. I let the dogs have the first chance at it and then took the vacuum cleaner to the remaining crumbs. When I started it up, Grady and Linken got a little upset. I simply moved them to the living room and put on Treehouse.
I started up the vacuum again. This time they got downright mad. I wasn't too phased by this. I was going to be quick, and I could hardly hear them yelling at me over the sound of the vacuum. As I continued on, I realized the kitchen floor also needed a quick once over and next thing I knew I was on my hands and knees vacuuming under the kitchen cabinets.
Suddenly, the vacuum stopped. I turned to make sure it was still plugged in and found two little boys had crawled over and each had a hand on the power button. I moved them back to the living room and started to vacuum again. This time it only took 30 seconds for the vacuum to turn off. There they were again, leaning on the power button.
To my dismay, they had it completely figured out and were smiling quite proudly about it. I tried 3 more times before giving up. Persistence paid off for them. Looks like I will be vacuuming while they nap from now on....

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